Become a Member

Membership gives you exclusive access to your choice of upcoming Flight Room retreats. For one low monthly payment, you can attend one ($299/mo), two ($539/mo) or three ($759/mo) retreats each year! Register today and travel as early as our next retreat.

Have questions/want to chat with Jen before signing up for a retreat membership? Schedule a 15 minute Zoom call right here.

Benefits of Membership:

  • Affordable monthly payment plan

  • Priority booking on newly released retreats (retreat members have a minimum of two weeks to book new retreats before they open to the general public)

  • Welcome gift

  • First dibs on the room of your choice

  • Discounts on private room upgrades

  • Discounts on package upgrades (excursions, spa services, etc.)

  • Discounts on additional retreats booked a la carte

  • Friends/family discount on a la carte retreats

use your retreat credit on any upcoming trip:

Iceland, June 21-28, 2025*

Italy, September 22-28, 2025

*Premium retreat, $800 supplement


Enroll in the Membership Program

Shared accommodation at one retreat each year (private room upgrades for only $800) plus priority registration, discounts, special gifts and more for just $299/mo.

Shared accommodation at two retreats each year (private room upgrades for only $800) plus priority registration, discounts, special gifts and more for just $539/mo.

Shared accommodation at three retreats each year (private room upgrades for only $800) plus priority registration, discounts, special gifts and more for just $759/mo.


  • Our retreat membership is super simple! You’ll pick your tier of membership and for one low monthly payment you get to attend one, two or three retreats each year.

    Your membership runs for 12 months at which point you’ll have the option to renew (membership does not automatically renew.)

  • You can redeem your membership credits on all Flight Room retreats! For a premium retreat (Iceland is the only one currently planned) there is an additional $800 supplement.

    You also get your first choice of any shared accommodation as a retreat member or can upgrade to a private room for just $800.

  • Just one! As soon as you sign-up and make your first payment, you’ll be able to reserve your retreat(s.)

    If you prefer to wait to book, that’s fine too! You can book any upcoming retreat using your credit, even if it’s beyond your membership cycle (ie: you could enroll in membership in November 2023 and book a retreat taking place in January 2025.)

  • While we encourage you to redeem your credit(s) within your current membership cycle, as long as you remain an active member, any unused credits will roll over.

    Retreat cancellations made more than 90 days in advance will be able to use their credit on a future retreat.

  • You are welcome to book any of our retreats a la carte, but our membership program is the only way to access a payment plan.

    Upon reservation of an a la carte retreat, the full balance will be due ($3,500 for shared accommodations or $4,700 for private rooms for a standard retreat.)

  • Your friend or partner does not need to be a member to join you! They can simply purchase an a la carte shared accommodation from the retreat’s registration page.

    If they’d like the convenience of monthly payments and other benefits, they can certainly enroll in the membership program just for 12 months.

  • After signing up for your membership, just shoot Jen an mail at and she’d be happy to register you for the retreat(s) of your choice.

  • Absolutely! We love our Frequent Flyers. You can add on a la carte retreats (at a $300 discount!) to any membership tier. Additional retreats must be paid in full at the time of registration.